Monday, December 18, 2006

My Little Brother and Me

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New Pictures

Here are some new pictures of the boys taken by Amy and Victoria at the St. Nicholas party at our church (December 2, 2006) ... Joshua is 18 months old and James is 4 days old.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Playing in the Snow

Today was the first major snowfall where Joshua was actually old enough to know what was going on. He talked about the snow all day but then when we finally got him dressed in his new snowsuit and (too big) boots he just stood in the driveway, looking dazed. Daddy was a little disappointed as he was looking forward to playing in the snow with his little boy but I guess there's always next year.

We ventured out early this morning to go to church and made it as far as Joe's parent's house in Aldergrove before we decided to turn back. Joe was driving one of their big delivery trucks that he brought home yesterday while I followed in the Civic. A car actually spun out right in front of his truck on the freeway and while he was able to avoid it, it got hit by a semi in the fast lane and went into the ditch. No one was hurt, thank goodness! The roads were definitely crazy this morning! I am just glad to be home with my family! Joe called all of his employees this afternoon and told them not to attempt to go into work tomorrow so we get another day off together tomorrow! :) (Joe's first 2 day weekend in more than 2 months!!) YAY!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm 18 Months Old Today!

Joshua is 18 months old today.

Happy year and a half birthday, little man! :)

(This is Joshua at 2 weeks old ... it feels like yesterday!)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm a Monkey

Lately I have turned into a big monkey. Yesterday I hurt myself more than 10 times by climbing on and under the kitchen table, my big toys, chairs and anything else I can find a foot hole in.

I have NO fear!

Today I was playing on the couch cushions and fell into the coffee table and hit my eye. Mommy says my bloody and black eyelid looks gross but I don't even notice it ... I want to keep climbing!

(Daddy says my first black eye makes me look tough) :P

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mini Golfing

We took Joshua mini-golfing for the first time last month and it was quite an experience. He may have been a little young for the adventure but luckily Joe and I are not very competitive (with eachother) and so didn't mind when he kept scooping up or hitting our balls. *L* Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 03, 2006

Trick or Treating at the Mall

On the night of Halloween I went trick or treating with Daddy and Mommy to a few houses on my street but during the day Mommy, Marci, Benjamin and I went trick or treating at Seven Oaks Mall. I dressed up as Tigger and Ben was Eeyore. I was really tired and wouldn't even say 'please' or 'thank you' but I got lots of candy anyway. :)

Church Halloween Party

For Halloween this year Mommy and Daddy took me to a party at my church where we played lots of fun games and decorated cookies. I made a big mess! These are some pictures ...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Halloween Costumes

Here are my two choices for a Halloween costume. Which one should I wear?!? (I love my Tigger costume but every time I put it on I say, "Tigg hot-hot-hot" ... I guess the costumes are a little warm to be wearing inside the house).

You can see in 2 of the pictures that as soon as I get the costumes on, I run to look at myself in the hallway mirror. What a ham! :)

More Aquarium Pictures

My Mommy is a little like Owen's Mommy, they both take LOTS of pictures. :P

Vancouver Aquarium

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to the Vancouver Aquarium because Daddy had the afternoon off work. I haven't been since I was in Mommy's belly and it was definitely more fun this time! :)

We saw little fish and big fish, birds, spiders, snakes, bugs, sharks, turtles, frogs, sea otters, seals, and many other things. We even got to see the cockroach, dolphin, sea lion and beluga whale shows. I was kind of scared of the big fish at first but by the time we got to the rainforest, I was running ahead of Mommy and Daddy and they had to chase me to keep up. I can't wait until we go again ... Daddy says not until my brother or sister is my age, though.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Playing at the Pool

Amy and Owen Lanteigne came over today for a play date. We went for a "healthy" lunch at Wendy's and then to the swimming pool. By the time we got to the pool it was already past Joshua's nap time so he was not quite his usual self but Owen had a great time! He is so cute when he splashes around in the pool and then accidentally splashes himself in the face. *L*

Joshua did have fun until he fell off the back of the little kid's slide and hit his head on the pool deck. It was tears and cuddles after that. This is a picture that Amy took once the kids were out of the pool (notice Joshua's grumpy face ... this was 2.5 hours after his usual nap time.) :P

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Pictures from Stephanie

Here are some new pictures taken by my sister, Stephanie (my computer is not working to download pictures right now so these are all the new photos I have ...)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A New Trick

Joshua started walking backwards today. I never really thought of this as an accomplishment before but he has been doing it all day and looks so proud of himself while he grins and moves along. Now if only he'd learn to turn around and look where he's going! *L*

My First Visit to the Dentist

Today I had my first visit to the dentist. Mommy took me to a pediatric dentist in Langley called Child's Play and it was actually kind of fun. They have a big cave with toys and video games in the waiting room and the whole place is painted like a jungle. I had my appointment in the elephant room where the hygenist let me play with a stuffed pig. I even got to eat some snacks! The dentist was very nice and kid-friendly. I sat on my Mommy's lap while he checked my teeth and told me how good I was being. Apparently most children scream, but not me ... I'm a big boy! :P

The dentist says that my teeth look great and I won't have to go back for another 6 months. That's good since I know my Mommy was worried (I still drink a bottle before bed and she thought it might hurt my teeth). They coated my teeth with fluoride and then gave me a toy from the treasure chest. I got a car and a hot wheels sticker. Mommy says if anyone needs a dentist for their children, they should definitely go to Child's Play Pediatric Dentistry in Langley!

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Joshua used his potty this morning!! He got up on the big toilet, using the step stool and seat that I picked up this week, and sat through 3 stories before he pooed. Joe and I jumped around and sang like crazy people! *L* Then we gave Joshua a piece of chocolate because I haven't had a chance to pick up gummy bears for his potty treat yet. Joshua left the bathroom looking all proud and then immediately asked to go back on. We thought maybe he had to go again but I think he just liked the story time and chocolate treat. :P

He may not use it again for a while but we're going to try every day anyway! :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

To train or not to train ... That is the question

My sister, Cindy, gave Joshua a present on Monday night after my prenatal fitness class ... a potty book for boys.

It got me thinking ...

When is the best time to toilet train a little boy?

Joshua is 16 months old which, to me, is a little young. Yet, I have also read some books that say it's easier to get it done before they turn 2 and no longer want to do anything that Mommy or Daddy say.

Joshua knows when he's going poo and will come up and tell me he went and then walk into his bedroom and wait for me by the change table, but I don't think this is quite 'potty-ready' behaviour. I used to be a firm believer in 'wait until they're ready' but then I might have 2 babies in diapers for quite a while yet. On the other hand, I've heard that children often digress when a new sibling is born so maybe it's not worth it to even try at this point ...

What do you think?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Joshua is Better!

We went to the doctor this morning and Joshua's ear infection and hives are gone! He's better! :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Should I laugh or should I cry?

Nothing is ever easy, is it? :P

Joshua woke up 6 times last night, screaming and crying. Each time I would jump out of bed and race to the kitchen to heat up his bottle (hoping some food would help him go back to sleep) and each time he would be asleep by the time his bottle was warm. Twice I went into his room to check on him as soon as he stopped screaming and both times he was sound asleep. The last time I even tried to wake him up, in the hopes that if I gave him food he would not wake up again, but I could not get him awake!

This morning he slept until 930 and when I went in to get him, I almost cried. Joshua's face was all swollen (his eyes were almost swollen shut) and he had a disgusting rash/hives all over his body. I immediately called the doctor (our third trip in one week) who saw him and said it's an allergic reaction to the second medication we tried for his ear infection, Biaxin. The first medication (Amoxicillin) didn't work. Now he is on Benadryl for the rash and itching and Tylenol for the pain but nothing for the infection. Joshua has another appointment for next Monday to check the ear and then to check his hearing because the infection has gotten so bad that Dr. Heffner is worried about permanent damage.

This was another day of constant crying and screaming from the boy and I am so overwhelmed I just want to cry ...

Mom and Rick watched Joshua for about an hour this afternoon and Joe should be home soon. I am lucky to have so much help!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

What a Week!

As I've posted on my blog several times already, Joshua is sick. He was diagnosed with an ear infection last week and given antibiotics but he did not make any progress in the following 5 days and, in fact, seemed to be getting worse. Both Sunday and today he woke up with a substantial fever and cried for the majority of each day. Joe and I didn't know what to do with him or how to make him feel better. Thus, I made an appointment with the doctor for later in the week and then called back and begged them to squeeze us in this morning.

Dr. Heffner was great! Apparently the Amoxicillin (Penicillin) has done nothing for Joshua and his infection has gotten considerably worse over the weekend. He is now on a stronger (and much more expensive) medication for the next ten days. Unfortunately, he cannot get his ear wet for another 3 weeks!! Therefore, I had to withdraw Joshua from his swimming lessons. :( He loved those lessons!

Today has been extremely hard on both Joshua and I ... He won't eat anything, can't drink his bottle because of the pain in his ear and refuses to go to sleep, despite the fact that he desperately needs a nap. I can't wait until Joe gets home from work and can take over some of the parenting. (I have my prenatal workout class tonight and I feel both horrible and relieved that I get to go out for a few hours).

That is our life at the moment ... wanna trade?!? :P

Friday, September 15, 2006

Joshua's New Playmate

Amy and Owen Lanteigne stopped over today for a playdate. We were supposed to go swimming but because of Joshua's ear infection we just stayed at our house. Joshua had a great time! Owen is almost 8 months old and is just learning how to stand on his own so he was able to stand beside Joshua while they played. Josh was great with sharing his toys and even seemed to be trying to teach Owen how to say 'ball'. :)

Here is a picture I stole off of Amy's blog (I had my camera and even put new batteries in but then forgot to take any pictures.)

Joshua's visits with Owen and also with Carter Bertness earlier in the week have made me feel a lot better about the new baby on the way. Joshua loves having other kids (older or younger) around. I think he'll make a great big brother!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Finally, An Answer!

As I mentioned in my last post, Joshua has been extremely sick and grumpy over the past week. At first we thought it must be a cold (despite the vomitting), then I found a third molar in his mouth and we assumed he was teething. However, when he didn't get very much better over the course of the past week I decided to take him to the walk-in-clinic this afternoon. The poor little boy has a really bad ear infection. The doctor put him on antibiotics right away (the banana flavoured Amoxicillin that I LOVED as a child, and he seems to like as well), but she also told us we can't get his ear wet for at least a week. For those of you who have had children with ear infections in the past ... how do I keep his ear dry and his hair clean?!? :P

Unfortunately, Joshua started swimming lessons earlier this week and has 2 more lessons in the next seven days. Today he was putting his face under and floating with his ears covered by water which makes me feel like a horrible parent because I should have realized he was tugging on his ear more than normal and should have discovered the infection BEFORE the underwater activities of the day. Also, we are set to go swimming with Amy and Owen Lanteigne tomorrow afternoon and I do not want to cancel (it's taken us a long time to set this up ...)

Maybe I can just keep his head above the water at all times?!? Unfortunately, he's pretty unsteady and off balance right now because of his ear infection so I'm not sure I can actually keep him upright and above the surface of the water. :(

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sick Little Boy

Joshua has been very sick for the past few days. He doesn't want to eat or drink his bottle (which he usually LOVES) and won't go to sleep without a fight each day. He has spent the past 3 days alternating between fits of crying and cuddling. It is definitely exhausting for his Mommy and Daddy!

We had a full weekend planned of visiting and barbecues but we had to stay close to home and he missed them all. :(

This weekend has made me feel more like a Mommy, though. It was the first time I was called home from a party (Friday night at Milestones) because my child was sick. He had a fever and was vomitting and I actually liked taking care of my sick little boy instead of being at dinner with my friends. I do love this Mommy job - especially when he makes me feel like I'm the only one in the world that can make him feel better! :)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Even more new words

Joshua now says more words than I can count or even put on this blog but my favorite new word is 'please'! He started saying it yesterday and I LOVE it! I make him say it for absolutely everything! *L*

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My Growing Vocabulary

I am almost 15 months old and can now say many words and know when and how to use them!

My first words were Dad, duck, quack, hi, yep, and ball but now I can also say Mom, NO!, uh oh, boom, dog, woof, cat, done, no way, boo, up, bang, hat, and bye. I can repeat many other words too but Mommy says they won't count until I can say them in the proper context. I learn new things every day!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

New(er) pictures

It's been a while since I've posted any pictures so here goes ...

(It's also been a while since I've actually taken any photos so these are already outdated).