Thursday, July 27, 2006

Cultus Lake

Joe and I took Joshua to Cultus Lake yesterday for the afternoon. He played in the sand and got really dirty (just like little boys are supposed to do). He seemed to have a good time. It made Joe and I realize though, that there are some activities that are just too old for him at 14 months and I guess the lake is one of them. I think we'll definitely be sticking to the pool with him for the next few months! (There were some really cute photo opportunities of Joshua and his Daddy but my camera battery was dead.) :(

Saturday, July 22, 2006

And He's Off!

Joshua has been walking a few steps at a time for a few weeks now but he always drops down to his knees when he realizes he can get there faster by crawling. A few days ago he was able to go about 8 steps at a time but he has not been consistent with it. Well, today he has become our little walking machine! :)

He went upstairs for a visit with Grandma, Grampa and Auntie Stephanie and, as soon as he got up there, he just started walking everywhere. It is so cute! Maybe it's because he's so tall but he looks hilarious toddling around. *L*

Also, Steph and I went to garage sales this morning (I can only handle looking through people's junk about once every two years so this was our first trip since I've been married). We got Joshua a little push truck that he can sit in (like those red plastic cars you see everywhere, but this one is a yellow pickup truck with a tailgate for when the baby comes along). We also got a small plastic tricycle thing and a few outdoor small toys. There is something oddly satisfying of coming home with a car full of purchases and not even spending $20 on it all! Plus, Joshua already loves his truck!

Oh, I better run, I'm being summoned to see Joshua running across the living room. He's barely been walking for an hour and already he's running?!? We are definitely in trouble here! ;)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

New Developments

Joshua sure is growing quickly! He is now 33 inches tall and just over 29 pounds. Last week he started saying 'hi' to people and waving and repeats words that he hears people say. I have him on a video at West Edmonton Mall, calling me Stacey! *L*

Joshua has also decided that at 13 months it's about time he started walking! He will so far only walk for Smarties, raspberries, or contraband (ie/ pens, scissors, breakable objects) but it won't be too long now, I'm sure.

We had a great vacation in Edmonton but he sure seems happy to be home in his own house!

(The plane ride was at times interesting ... I don't know how you've done such long trips so often with Benjamin, Marci! *shudder*)